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SMM Hamburg 2012

Image of a ship

Known as the largest maritime exhibition of the year, the Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology (or SMM Hamburg) concluded its 4-day biennial trade show on September 7, 2012.

With 2,100 exhibitors and 50,000 visitors, this year’s SMM has been the grandest and most successful ever. BASSnet™ has proven to be a hit again especially with German and Swiss shippers, after the establishment of BASS GmbH.

With a total revamp of UI’s, enhanced features and functionalities, the screening of latest BASSnet™ version 2.8 was met with overwhelming positive remarks from customers and prospects. SMM has helped BASS to make a great leap in lead generations, and with each exhibition proven to be more fruitful than before, the world’s largest maritime trade show will continue to serve as an effective platform for BASSnet™ to tackle the uncharted waters.

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