GasLog Implements BASSnet HR Manager & Crew Portal app to Boost Communication & Efficiency
GasLog Ltd (‘GasLog’) is a leading global provider of LNG shipping services. In 2023, the company selected BASSnet’s Crew Portal self-service app to advance their fleet crewing and payroll management, integrated with the end-to-end BASSnet HR Manager system.
The Need for A Streamlined HR Management System
GasLog’s main goal in selecting the right human resources software was to improve and streamline crewing management from all capabilities needed to manage their seagoing human resources.
In 2021, they began to capture their requirements and all stakeholders had the opportunity to raise their needs on their processes. The company then launched a competitive bidding process where BASSnet was ultimately selected as the best choice amongst various competitors.
In June 2022, GasLog began implementation of the end-to-end BASSnet Human Resources Management system. In 2023, the company added BASSnet’s innovative self-service Crew Portal mobile app to boost efficiency.
Now, why was BASSnet selected as the best choice amongst many? Let’s find out more below.
The Benefits of BASSnet HR Manager & Crew Portal app
The BASSnet Human Resources Manager is a powerful ERP software to streamline HR processes and improve ship-shore communication.
It provides:
- web-based crew management for planning and operations, with fleet-wide visibility for planning workflows
- effective monitoring and management of crew competence and training
- payroll tracking and bank integration
- remote crew ‘self-service’ using the BASSnet Crew Portal mobile app for effective two-way communication. The app also enables crew to take ownership of their own data.
How BASSnet Brings Value to GasLog
Here’s how the integrated BASSnet solutions help GasLog to enhance their human resources management:
- Streamlined Data Sharing and Integration
The BASSnet HR Manager implementation offers a multitude of benefits, but its primary advantage is its ability to facilitate seamless data sharing across all applications and modules.
- By leveraging a shared database, the system eliminates data silos and ensures real-time access to accurate information for crew management processes.
- This advanced integration minimizes manual data entry, reduces the risk of errors, and enables streamlined reporting, analysis, and decision-making.
- Enhanced Efficiency in Crewing Operations
The BASSnet HR Manager empowers GasLog to optimize its crewing operations by automating critical functions.
The system centralizes and simplifies the processes from recruitment and crew planning to training and documentation compliance.
Automated crew assessments and appraisals enable efficient performance management, ensuring the crew’s skill development and overall satisfaction.
- Improved Compliance and Regulatory Adherence
With the SAFIR (Safety & Improvement Reporting) module integrated into BASSnet HR Manager, GasLog gains valuable compliance and regulatory adherence tools.
- The system tracks and manages onboard training and drills, ensuring the crew is adequately prepared and certified.
- Additionally, the system monitors and enforces onboard teams work and rest hours, guaranteeing compliance with international labour regulations.
By proactively managing compliance, GasLog mitigates risks, avoids penalties, and maintains a safe working environment onboard.
“By eliminating manual paperwork and automating routine tasks using BASSnet, GasLog can allocate more time and resources to strategic crewing initiatives.”
– Mr. Jose Milhazes, Business Process Innovation Manager, GasLog Ltd
- Centralized Data Storage and Accessibility
GasLog has achieved a centralized and secure platform for storing and accessing its data by migrating to the Azure Cloud using BASSnet. BASSnet’s Cloud-based infrastructure eliminates the need for on-premises servers, reducing maintenance costs and enhancing scalability.
With data accessible from anywhere, the shore-based HR Manager and Crew Portal mobile app provide efficient collaboration between ships and relevant stakeholders including:
- GasLog Marine HR
- Managing agencies
- Training centers
- Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship
The BASSnet HR Manager implementation aligns with GasLog’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Digitalizing crewing management processes reduces paper consumption, minimizes administrative waste, and contributes to a greener working environment.
The system’s automation capabilities optimize crew planning, reducing multiple and exhaustive communication between stakeholders by ensuring efficient vessel operations.
GasLog Ltd opted for the BASSnet HR Manager as their human resources solution of choice after a stringent selection process. The goal was to adopt a streamlined system that drove efficiency and seamless two-way communication.
BASSnet’s integrated system, rich functionality and innovative self-service mobile app brought the significant benefits that GasLog required for effective crew management.
Upon working closely together with the BASSnet team for a successful implementation, the Greek shipping leader can now look forward to BASSnet’s positive impact on their maritime operations.