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Business Continuity Plan – March 2020

Image of a ship

The month of March 2020 has been a challenging period for everyone. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, BASS has implemented a Business Continuity Plan that will ensure the development of our products and the services provided to our customers are not affected.

As many countries have restricted physical movement, BASS has enabled all employees to work from home effectively by using VPN, Skype and MS Teams. We have also established appropriate communication lines to stay connected and updated at all times and ensure all departments are running smoothly. Working from home will not only ensure the health and safety of our people, but also their family and friends, and the general public. It is vital that we all do our part in helping the community flatten the curve.

The COVID-19 pandemic has widespread and far-reaching consequences to not only the shipping industry but everything from essential goods to the global economy. If you have any concerns regarding the situation concerning BASS, BASSnet™ or our services, please do not hesitate to reach out here.

To all, and in particular the seafarers currently onboard active vessels, we hope that you stay safe and well.

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